
tthhee oddiissee Chapter 19

  “Whoa Krodin, check it out,” Urgis said, pointing out the sleek black motorbike setting next to the wall. “Damn, vintage. Pretty beat up, though. Why’s it so big?” Krodin replied back. “You thinking of riding it? I don’t think even you are tall enough for that thing .” “Never know until we try.” A mischievous smile came across Urgis’s face. “I like the way you think,” he said, taking a keyjammer out of his pocket. “Idiot should’ve known not to park such a sweet ride in a crappy neighborhood like this, ain’t that right, Krodin?” “Damn right.” Urgis got to work, sticking the keyjammer in the ignition. “What do you think you’re doing?” Ro said, popping around a corner to see the two young punks hijacking the motorcycle. There was a tall, lanky guy and a smaller, more densely-packed guy. Both of them were wearing red overalls and white long-sleeve shirts with red-dyed hair. Ro estimated than neither of them could be more than around 16 years old. Urgis and Krodin lo

tthhee oddiissee Chapter 18

The apartment was quiet. It was completely devoid of furniture and decorations, and had been cleaned floor-to-ceiling as if no one had ever lived there. Ro walked in, looking morose in his black suit, making barely a noise as he entered, staring at the floor. Ro slowly made his way to the center of the living room, seemingly exhausted. He stopped, not having an idea of what he was even doing in the apartment in the first place. He sat down on the ground, legs crossed and slumped over. Despite his previous professions, Ro had never gotten used to funerals. At least it wasn’t much of a surprise when a merc died. It was just a part of life back then. This was different. This hurt. But Ro didn’t feel sad. He didn’t cry. He didn’t even feel guilty about not feeling sad or crying. He should be feeling all of these things, he thought, but couldn’t. Ro felt hollow. It’s not like he didn’t know why, but understanding that didn’t make him feel better. It didn’t make him feel anything. Ro c

tthhee oddiissee Chapter 17

Ro was sitting down on his the one bench they had specially made with his weight limit in mind next to the Colonel. The entire Red Band was gathered around, with a small clearing in the middle of the crowd. They were taking a look at some potential hires for the foreseeable future and were putting some of the thieves through their paces. Ro always liked being a part of the process despite the fact he couldn’t really give much in the way of feedback. Wait, this isn’t right. Mako had returned with another prospect in tow. He was a tall, thin man with a pale, slightly-crooked face with dark circles under his eyes and long, wild, brown hair extending out from every direction from his head. His limbs seemed too long for his torso. He didn’t appear to be wearing any sort of armor or have any visible weapon, instead sporting a simple brown t-shirt The thing that threw Ro off-guard most was the fact that he wasn’t wearing any shoes. “Here’s our latest prospect,” Mako said. “Interesting?

tthhee oddiissee Chapter 16

Ro was creeping along the wall, staying low to the ground and against the edifice of cheap plaster and concrete, holding the loot bag close to his body as went along. It was made clear by his employer just how important it was to stay out of sight. It would’ve been much easier if there were some foliage or at least if there weren’t the spotlights swirling around. Just a hazard of the job. It wasn’t the first time he had gone this way, and he had never been spotted before he needed to be. Just as he was getting relaxed, an additional spotlight turned on, revealing him to the small crowd of people gathered around the wooden platform he was standing on. Ro still kept his cool, loosening up and posting up against the wall. “Heh, you got me,” he smirked. “A good thief is always prepared to be caught. The best ones know how to be caught by the right people. You look like the right people to me.” Ro then stepped forward on the makeshift stage. “But where are my manners. You must be curi

tthhee oddiissee Chapter 15

Ro hadn’t had a proper night’s sleep in weeks. He knew, on an intellectual level, that the idea the Angels would still be after him was slim-to-none, but logical thinking did nothing to ease his mind. He was almost killed, he lost his money, and nearly broke his leg (he still had a limp when walking around). There was a thought in the back of Ro’s head that the Angels would recognize him from out on the field and would be coming back to finish the job. He had kept moving ever since that night, trying to not to spend too much time at any one place. He hadn’t even gone back to his railway shack, not willing to compromise the closest thing he had to a home. Rest and recovery should’ve been a priority, but it was hard to imagine that Ro would be seeking either anytime soon. And so that was the end of his string of “professional” jobs. He had gone back to what he had always done, and rode the train wherever it would take him, hoping to bilk a few Kronar out of a couple of unknowing marks,